Abortion Online is closely linked with Clinic 66 ~ a reputable, accredited and quality assured sexual health clinic, which has delivered professional, caring & compassionate abortion care to women in Sydney for over 20 years.
Click here to visit Clinic 66 Online, to find out more about us. We look forward to helping you.
Visit: www.clinic66online.com.au

Dr Emma Boulton
Dr Emma Boulton is the founder and managing director of Clinic 66, and Abortion Online is an initiative which she was compelled to undertake.
With the closure in early 2019 of the Tabbot Foundation (Australia's first providers of tele-abortion services), Emma felt that someone had to step up to "fill the gap".
According to Emma, "access to safe and effective abortion services in Australia is highly variable, and this inequality is unfair and un-Australian. It is my strong belief that it is every woman's right to access safe and effective abortion care."
"Too many women, right across Australia, do not have easy access to professional abortion services, so we decided that we could and should assist those women by offering medical abortion by tele-health (aka Tele-Abortion)."
Emma is a passionate supporter and advocate for women's reproductive rights and is often found 'making a noise' where it counts.
Click here to find out more about Emma.